xx Concord-Bainbridge Rd MLS #: 259769
Havana, FL 32333 Share
xx Concord-Bainbridge Rd, Havana, FL 32333
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Price: $85,000
Acres: 17.6 View Map View Map
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Hinson Family Farm - 17.6 Acres
SOLD. The Hinson Farm is part of a large family owned property that has not been on the market for over 100 years. Just a few miles northeast of Havana FL, it originally produced the shade tobacco that Gadsden Co. was known for. After the tobacco crop was no longer produced, the fields were put in production with beans & other market vegetables. Now these fertile fields are planted in marketable pine timber that has already seen its first cutting/harvest. Located near the front of the farm is a small pecan orchard & old equipment barn. The farm has a good population of wildlife & is in a really nice part of Gadsden Co. This is some of the best farm land in the area & could easily be put back in production w/the sale & removal of the planted timber, if desired. 17.6 acres are primarily planted pines that have been thinned & are due to have second harvest in approximately 5 more years. There is a small pecan orchard & equipment barn on the front of the property. The back of this property is flat fertile high ground with a cleared homesite that the owners were originally planning to build on. The neighbors are other small farm tracts providing wildlife & privacy. The location & the area are just the place for your future home! There is ample room to hunt, enjoy quite living & farm life with paved road frontage convenient to Tallahassee, Havana & South Georgia. This tract is price at appraisal for $85,000. Total of 2 Parcels: 2-07-3N-1W-0000-00214-0200 (1.6 Ac) & 2-07-3N-1W-0000-00123-0000 (16 Ac) for a total of 17.6 acres. Additional acreage available: See MLS# 259795 for the House & 46 total Acres (6 parcels), See MLS# 259793 for the house & 2 acres and MLS#259768 for 26.4 acres (acreage to the left of the home). G. Monroe Rogers, (850) 556-7303